Saturday, May 1, 2010

Free Download

Use or Download your free copy of Mohan Kumar's perpetual Calendar here

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Here are the instructions on using it:
Instructions on Usage

Saturday, March 27, 2010

PAC Confirmation of Mohan's Millenium Hypothesis

Mohan Kumar's letter for millenium & Century clarifications

Usage Example

Instructions for Usage of Perpetual Calendar

Months & Numbers List

List of 400 years

How the idea flashed?



Varanashi Uduvekodi Mohan Kumar is an agriculturist, master chess player, founder secreatary of BFCA (Bobby Fischer Chess Association) with a distinction of never having scored less than 100 out of 100 in Mathematics.
Idea flashed to him on 24 May 1991 from his son's Upanayana (sacred thread ceremony in India) card and refined through 1998/1999.
Here is the transcript of his book

He can be reached on